What does being a part of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Central Arizona mean? We are an extremely active dog club! The CKCSCCA holds multiple top-drawer AKC breed specialty shows on an annual basis, provides support to the local dog fancy by hosting canine health clinics three (3) times a year, supports the breed entry at local all-breed shows, supports the National Club (ACKCSC), and donates to Cavalier health research and rescue. In addition, the Club hosts a variety of events throughout the year for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owners, including health presentations, breeder education seminars, dog sport demonstrations, cavalier play days, and a holiday party. Each year at our Annual Awards/Member Appreciation Event we recognize the achievements of our members whose dogs have earned new AKC titles in conformation, agility, rally, obedience, Canine Good Citizenship and/or Therapy Dog awards.
Our club is an excellent place to gain more knowledge and experience about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We welcome non-members at most events. For a list of upcoming events, please visit our Meetings and Events tab. We encourage non-members to attend several events, form relationships with members and get familiar with our Code of Ethics and Current Bylaws, as well as the Breed Standard, prior to applying for membership.
Once you are ready to apply, the Membership Application can be downloaded from the link above. First time applicants will be applying for an Associate Membership, which requires one (1) sponsor. If you are currently an Associate Member and would like to apply for Regular Membership, you must have been an Associate Member for at least one (1) year, have attended three (3) meetings/events in the past twelve (12) months, and get two (2) sponsors (from different households and not related). Each individual applying for membership MUST complete a separate application. Additional instructions for submitting the application are on the application itself. As part of the application process, you will also need to sign and agree to follow the Code of Ethics.
Please complete the form, obtain sponsorship signatures, and send your membership application, along with a signed Code of Ethics to the current Membership Chair, Debbie Motley at goldenvintagecavaliers@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can mail to: P.O. Box 6573, Scottsdale, AZ 85261.
Once submitted, your application will be published for the membership to submit comments, and then reviewed and voted on at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, you will receive notification by the Membership Chair and sent an invoice from PayPal for your membership dues. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any one of our board members. Their contact information is on the Contact page of the website.
Membership payment buttons below are for existing members renewing only.