Welcome to our Cavalier Breed Information Contacts list. All persons listed are members in good standing with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Central Arizona, and are listed at their own request. Many of our volunteers are breeders and all of the contacts can help you find local breeders and information about stud service, puppies and up coming litters. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel club of Central Arizona assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information given and provides no endorsement for specific dogs, individuals, kennels or breeding programs. You should verify health and breeding information with the individual breeders of your choice. You can meet Arizona Cavalier breeders at our club meetings which are listed on the meetings page within our web site. Please visit our "links" page for some helpful health-related information pertaining to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

* Breeders are listed alphabetically by kennel name.